Cons of too much delayed gratificaiton

Why too much of delayed gratification is an issue?


Someone can become good at delayed gratification but too much of delay / deffering it is a big problem. He / she may not be able to enjoy at the moment of gratification even when gratification happens after the desire amount of delay. The only thing that gives them happiness is delaying the gratification longer and longer - for anything at any point of anytime.

I’m a victim of this too!!

The important issue with this character is that the individual will not feel the sense of achievement even when reaching the milestone of delaying the gratification for x time period (may it be 10 days or 15 years). The thoughts would always be, can I delayed it for some more time?

Delaying or self torchuring becomes the virtue of the person after certain years. There is no sense of self appreciation or self repect, which they won’t realize.