
What is appreciation?

Anything that makes you feel better than the so called NORMAL.

when I walked into one of my school friends home, her father told me with a big smiling face that he liked the way I parked the car!!! There is nothing special or extraordinary about it. but still he wanted share his happiness with me. He goes on to say that I parked the car with ease ( meaning not making many adjustments to arive at the final position).


What is the best way to handle frustration in life?

Bharathi baskar, one of the famous tamil orators, says that if you are frustarted with someone or something happening with onwhere, then you do something good for someone else.

This way, you wire your wire that when things go wrong for you, the next item to do is get some dopamine by doing some good things to others!!! so, your mind knows that dopamine would increase when things goes wrong for you!